CCS Parent Teacher Fellowship

Parent Teacher Fellowship

Creating Connection and Community for our Families and Staff

[email protected]


If you are a parent or guardian at Calvary Schools, you are already a part of the Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF). There are many fun and simple ways to be a part of the great things that happen on our campus. There is a place for everyone! We welcome you to get involved by filling out the Interest Form below:


PTF Values: People, Growth, Collaboration, Leadership, and Glorifying God


PTF Vision:

  • To equip a wide scope of parents, of all schools, desiring to lead and serve.

  • To empower all participants at CCS with a fun, healthy, united Calvary family.

  • To engage in clear communication and build connectivity with parents, students, and staff.


PTF Mission:

The Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) will seek to support the mission of Calvary Chapel Schools from preschool through high school, by engaging, equipping, and empowering our students, staff, and families to serve and to be leaders in Christ as unto the world.


What does that look like?

Connecting with parents, staff, and our schools, involvement with events on campus, providing needs, fundraising, organizing room parents, volunteering, prayer support, physical and spiritual encouragement, and fellowshipping with one another.  All with the common bond of Christ at the center of our work.


Where PTF Serves at Calvary Chapel Schools

Parent Receptions

Picture Day Support

Elementary and Middle School Fun Run

Seasonal Candy Grams

Parent Connect Events

Teacher Appreciation Events

Back to School Teacher Luncheon

Father Daughter Dance

Room Mom Coordination

ASB Support and Senior Events

Red Shirt Appreciation 

Skate Parties

Mother & Son Event

Support Librarians During Book Fair


PTF Executive Board:

The “servants of all” on the board are equal in power and diverse in their roles and responsibilities. 


President: Kim Manlutac

Oversees board meetings, leadership teams, and PTF events.  Assigns chairpersons to events by appointment and works closely with staff for successful school events.


Secretary: Sarah Warren

Assists the President with facilitating board meetings and PTF events.


Treasurer: Priscilla Ramirez 

Responsible for all financials for the PTF Board. Also helps to carry out the President’s duties in his or her absence or inability to serve.


Room Parent Coordinator: Sharon Vu

Coordinates Room Parent program for CCES. Communicate upcoming Elementary events through Room Parents Also assists with PTF events, communicates PTF information, welcomes and encourages involvement by parents and family members, and helps to carry out the President’s duties in his or her absence or inability to serve.


School Representatives: 

The school representatives (reps) shall be made up of parents with students currently enrolled in the school they represent. The reps will help build community, attend monthly board meetings, develop a network of helpers, and communicate regularly with their schools’ principal and staff.


PTF Connect Team: April Forrester, Stephanie Kaessner

Builds CCS community across schools (Parent Devo, Parent Community Events, Summer activities).


School Representatives:

The school representatives (reps) are made up of parents with students currently enrolled in the school they represent. The reps build community, attend monthly PTF Board meetings, develop a network of helpers, and communicate regularly with their school’s principal and staff.

  • Preschool: Claudia Jesus, Karissa Sobolew

  • Elementary: Kari Ann Dowling, Lori Granados, Natalie Cottle

  • Middle School: Valerie Beu, Carrie Rivera

  • High School: Jennifer Yomogida, Claudia Martinez, Socorro Nann, Helen Uy


Event Chairperson:

Organizes the PTF event along with parent volunteers.  Works closely with staff for successful school events.

  • Book Fair: Reem Lutfi
  • Candy Grams: Lilli-Ann Gonzalez
  • Teacher Appreciation Week: Laura Parsley
  • Father-Daughter Dance: Stephanie Kaessner, Claudia DiSomma, Yvonne Monreal
  • End of Year Teacher & Staff Lunch: Marcy Arzate



Get Plugged In and Hear From Your PTF Team!

“All-school” meetings and PTF Connect Events are held throughout the year. Come fellowship with other CCS parents and staff, ask questions, and get connected to your school community.


Parent Groups

Parent Devotions

Parents of Calvary Chapel Schools come together on the third Tuesday of each month across all schools from 8:00-9:00 AM for fellowship in the Fellowship Hall. Come join us for coffee, treats, and a short devotion by CCCM Pastors.


2023-2024 CCS Parent Devo Schedule
  • September 17
  • October 15
  • November 19
  • December 10
  • January 21
  • February 18
  • March 11
  • April 15
  • May 13

Parent Prayer

Meets Weekly, Fridays, 8:15 am-9:15 am Start Date: 9/13 Location: The Bride's Room at CCCM Come and join praying moms and grandmas for a sweet time of prayer for our students and schools. Feel free to join them whenever you are able. 
Meets Weekly, Fridays, 9:30 am and Tuesday at 7:00 pm. Start Date: 9/30 Come enjoy an encouraging message and join a small group for moms of students at Calvary Schools on Friday mornings.